Poncho Jacket purchased for Royal Alberta Museum’s Indigenous Studies collection

We are delighted to give you a first look at a poncho jacket created by Heather Crowshoe of Heather Crowshoe Couture. The poncho will take its place in a newly updated exhibit at the Royal Alberta Museum (RAM). The jacket is joining a group of items the museum has recently acquired for its In Their […]

Edmonton’s Unpopular Histories

Edmonton’s official history goes back 1892, but if you joined us for our third walking tour of the summer then you might have learned things about our beloved city that you don’t typically hear elsewhere.   Tour guide Dan Rose walked our group through downtown Edmonton’s unpopular histories, which included stories of both resilience from communities, […]

A snippet of a Century of Architecture and Design in Edmonton

Did you know that the current downtown Farmer’s market building used to be the Great Western Garment Co. owned by Alexander Rutherford? Or that the space where Canada Place sits was previously the Alberta Hotel, which was carefully dismantled numbered brick by brick in 1984? These are just a few local facts we learned from […]