Make a gift to FRAMS and help us meet our $12,000 fundraising goal to further our work in support of the Royal Alberta Museum and telling Alberta’s stories.
Together, We Help Tell Alberta’s Stories
As part of our annual giving campaign, we’d like to share with you how we have helped the Royal Alberta Museum bring an exciting project to fruition. For the past couple of years, we’ve worked with the Royal Alberta Museum through the various stages of publishing to produce Alberta Quiltmakers and their Quilts by Lucie Heins, Assistant Curator of Daily Life and Leisure. It’s a testament to how together, we all play a role in preserving and sharing the stories of Alberta.
FRAMS will celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2022. When people support the Friends they are supporting the museum and thereby become part of a dynamic community.
Lucie Heins
Watch this 2-minute video with Lucie Heins on the impact our incredible community of supporters has had on the project.
Together, We Foster Wonder and Inquiry
You can help us continue our important work—it’s our goal to raise $12,000 for our annual giving campaign by January 14, 2022.
Make a gift today and help FRAMS continue our important community work in support of the Royal Alberta Museum and the telling of Alberta’s stories.
Together, we can help tell another 40 years’ worth of stories!